Office : 41 Elizabeth Street

41 Elizabeth Street is a refurbishment project of an existing 1960s Para Rubber Retail Showroom and Warehouse to become a mixed-use retail-hospitality-office offer.

Directly opposite the new Farmers Mall this area is undergoing a rapid transformation with a newly landscaped public pedestrian-vehicular corridor and the gentrification effect as the Mall-residential Tower development nears completion.


Aesthetically there is quite a dramatic change, we have chosen to clad the building in a variegated green porcelain brick shaped tile.  The modernisation of the façade is completed with a new glass veranda and the inclusion of a new frameless glass curved frameless glazing unit, that has massive ‘editorial’ effect, and dematerialised the corner. 


At ground level there is the potential for up to two new retail tenancies operating off the street, a boutique office tenancy to the rear, and a 6-8 car capacity carparking garage, converted from an existing warehouse structure at the rear of the site. Upstairs, accessed via a newly formed enlarged elegantly finished lobby void,  featuring a curved tiles partition and feature timber clad staircase is a further, up to two boutique office tenancies, one orientated to the street, and a second interfacing with a newly formed balcony built over the carparking garage below.


Commercial Renovation





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